No Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Itália, onde lecionou as disciplinas Supply Chain Management e Quality Management durante o semestre italiano do International Master in Industrial Management (IMIM), promovido pela Comissão Europeia (programa Erasmus Mundus). Lá também participou de bancas de defesa de dissertações de mestrado defendidas junto ao Politecnico di Milano e ao Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Suécia, tomando parte das discussões para a criação do European Doctorate in Industrial Management (EDIM).
Em seu depoimento sobre a participação como professor deste programa internacional, declarou:
"It was a very productive experience to teach in a prestigious program such as IMIM, held by the European Commission. The classes I could develop and some master thesis that I evaluated express accurately the real spirit of this course: the encounter of multiples visions on problems and solutions in operations management. Specially, I detach the wealth opportunity of approaching boundary themes in Quality Management and Supply Chain Management, such as green supply chain, productive cooperation networks, virtual enterprises, sustainability through value chains, and many others, and of discussing such topics with students from North and South America, Asia, East and West Europe: a cross-cultural experience with a multiplicity of local perspectives summing global strategies for contemporary dilemmas."
Em Palermo, Itália, onde participou da 21st. International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, apresentando a pesquisa Analysis of sustainable production requirements in the Brazilian manufacturing industry: multiple case studies.
Em Dublin Irlanda, onde participou da 20th. International
Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, apresentando as pesquisas 1) Analysis of innovation capacity
of Brazilian companies producers of textiles and apparel and its impact on
exporter performance and 2) Corporate constitutionalization, human rights and
sustainable supply chains: remarks on the 10 biggest Brazilian companies.
Em Denver, Colorado, Estados Unidos, onde participou da 24th.. Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), apresentando os trabalhos: 1) Human rights in sustainable supply chains: towards corporate constitutionalization? ; 2) The environmental impact on the formation of agricultural prices: a study in soybean supply chain In Brazil; 3) Sustainable value generation through collaborative symbiotic networks planning
Em Cambridge, Inglaterra, onde participou da 18th. International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, apresentando a pesquisa A study on sustainability common topics in operations management and industrial ecology publication .
Em Reno, Nevada, Estados Unidos, onde participou da 22nd. Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), apresentando os trabalhos: 1) The maestro as leader: bases of authority, leadership styles and emotional intelligence in choral conductors ; 2) The choir as an organization: its structure and motivational implications ; 3) An evaluation of the administrative decentralization process of the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil ; e 4) EIP [eco industrial parks] analysis in developing countries
Em Porto, Portugal, onde participou da 17th. International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, com as pesquisas: 1) Co-operation for the sustainable development in industrial clusters: a Brazilian case study ; 2) Cultural services and operations management: some epistemological foundations and a literature overview ; 3) Critical factors of the aerospace operations strategy and performance impacts on technological innovation and cooperation network management ; e 4) Vector of influence on the mix of contract franchise network in Brazil: geographical dispersion vs. automation .
Em Vancouver, Canadá, onde participou da 21st. Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), apresentando os trabalhos: 1) Strategy and competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (SME’s) in emergent countries: Brazilian cases ; 2) Exploring boundaries between music and management: musical themes and visions in operations management ; e 3) Maestro as manager: the work of conductors beyond the stage .
Em Gotemburgo (Chalmers University of Technology of Göteborg), Suécia, onde participou da 16th. International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, apresentando a pesquisa: Suppliers qualification and evaluation: proposition of a common procedure for a multinational company .
No Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche Marco Fanno, Facoltá di Scienze Politiche, Universitá degli Studi di Padova, Itália, onde foi convidado a proferir uma palestra sobre sua pesquisa: A reference model for the management of local production and innovation systems , no seminário Measuring the performance of industrial districts: Tools for international benchmarking. An ongoing debate. À direita, com pesquisadores da Itália, Inglaterra, Alemanha e Quênia.
Em Paris, França, onde participou do 17th. Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches Permanent sur l'Industrie et les Salariés de l'Automobile (GERPISA) International Colloquium, na La Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III, Palais du Luxembourg, apresentando sua pesquisa An analysis of the main prerequisites for the successful implementation of sustainable concepts in Brazilian automotive supply chain: a multiple case study .
Em La Jolla, Califórnia, Estados Unidos, onde participou da 19th. Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), apresentando as pesquisas: 1) The influence of social capital on regional clusters and productive cooperation networks: concepts and proposals for empirical researches ; 2) Development of regional clusters: The case of the ceramic cluster in Santa Gertrudes (State of São Paulo, Brazil) ; 3) The role of the choir conductor in motivating his group: conceptual revision, suggestions, and a perspective of music undergraduate students ; e 4) Learning through cooperation and diffusion of knowledge: a study of SME's networks of software companies in their qualification practices.
Em Turim, Itália, onde participou do 16th. Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches Permanent sur l'Industrie et les Salariés de l'Automobile (GERPISA) International Colloquium, apresentando sua pesquisa Sustainability in the Brazilian automotive productive chain: a multiple case study.
Em Ankara, Turquia, onde participou da 14th. International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, com as pesquisas: 1) Cluster model evolution: Franca's shoes cluster case study ; 2) Building competence to innovate through cooperation networks: A project for Sorocaba Metropolitan Region ; 3) Impacts of quality management systems standardization in SMEs: case studies of the Brazilian aeronautical chain ; 4) A study on operational actions in IT outsourced services in Brazil ; 5) Political-military criteria in defense bids: A case study in the Brazilian context ; e 6) Knowledge management at high technology based industries: A social organization perspective in aeronautics Brazilian industry.
Em Portland, Oregon, Estados Unidos, onde participou da Portland International Center of Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) Conference, apresentando as pesquisas: 1) Analysis of the Brazilian digital TV system (BDTVS) and signal-converting devices ; 2) Knowledge management for high technology industries ; e 3) Dynamic cooperation network for technology management and innovation process: The case of the Brazilian aeronautic sector .
Em visita à Università di Bologna, Itália, onde participou de reunião sobre a criação de um Master in Industrial Innovation entre a Universidade de Bologna e a POLI-USP
Em Glasgow, Escócia, onde participou da 13rd. International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA)Conference, apresentando a pesquisa Development of a set of matrices for the evaluation and classification of regional clusters .
Em Glasgow, Escócia, onde participou da 13rd. International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA)Conference, apresentando a pesquisa Development of a set of matrices for the evaluation and classification of regional clusters .
Em Boston, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos, onde participou da 17th. Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), apresentando as pesquisas: 1) Educational patterns and (re)qualification in the contemporary industry ; 2) Technological innovation and the destructive creation: The emergence of digital TV in the Brazilian society ; 3) Industrial restructuring and (re)organization of the work
Em Budapeste, Hungria, onde participou da 12th. International European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference on Operational and Global Competitiveness, apresentando suas pesquisas sobre: 1) Evaluation of technological change in the Brazilian semiconductor industry ; 2) Lean production paradigm and the influence of automakers in industrial organization of their suppliers: the case of the Brazilian automotive complex
Em Cancun, México, participando da 2nd. World Conference on Production and Operations Management (POM) & 15th. Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), onde apresentou as pesquisas: 1) Supply chain design for defense industry: The aeronautical industry case ; 2) The influence of automakers in industrial organization of their suppliers: the case of the Brazilian automotive complex
Em Como, Itália, participando da Production and Operations Management Society & European Operations Management Association (EurOMA / POMS) Joint Internacional Conference, onde apresentou as pesquisas: 1) An analysis on the conditions for the development of the Brazilian semiconductor industry ; 2) Governance, industrial clusters and global chains: an integrate analysis and application to Brazilian shoe and furniture industries ; 3) The foreign market as an innovation inductor in the fresh fruit productive chain in Brazil ; 4) The network firm model of cooperation for SMEs in the Brazilian electronic sector ; 5) Virtual organization and e-business: A case study in a Brazilian aircraft company
Em San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos, onde participou da 13th. Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), apresentando as pesquisas: 1) Promoting cooperation to enhance the competitiveness in a high-tech cluster: The initiative of entrepreneurs ; 2) Proposal for database architecture to aid a dynamic cooperation network research ; 3) Generation and diffusion of knowledge in the SME´s network: a study in the Brazilian electronic industry
Em Orlando, Florida, Estados Unidos, onde participou da 12th. Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), apresentando os trabalhos: 1) Virtual factory: miths and reality in the Brazilian context ; 2) Managing innovation: a point of view of SME's networks in the Brazilian electronic industry
Em Bath, Inglaterra, onde participou da 8th. International Conference of the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA), apresentando o trabalho The generation and diffusion of knowledge though the virtual network of organizations: possibilities and contrasts in the Brazilian context
Em San Antonio, Texas, Estados Unidos, onde participou da 11st. Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), apresentando sua pesquisa: Analysis of cooperation network phenomenon in the Brazilian telecommunication industry
Em Sevilla, Espanha, onde participou da 1st. World Conference on Production and Operations Management (POM), apresentando as pesquisas: Supply chain and new industrial organization forms: The case of Brazilian automobile complex e Stimulating regional development and SME's clustering: An alternative for emerging economies .
Na Università degli Studi di Napoli (Nápoles, Itália), onde participou da International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference, apresentando as pesquisas Productive cooperation network as a competitive advantage for small and medium size firms in the State of São Paulo (Brazil) e Cultural requirements for creating of small and medium size companies cooperation networks .
Na Suíça, onde pesquisou o tema das organizações virtuais e fábricas virtuais no Institute of Technology Management da Universidade de St. Gallen
Em Venezia, na Università Ca' Foscari, onde realizou pesquisas de pós-doutorado no Dipartimento di Economia e Direzione Aziendale, sobre a Estrutura e dinâmica das pequenas e médias empresas industriais da região do Vêneto
Em reunião do projeto EU-ALFA, Global Virtual Enterprise as a competitive advantage for small and medium enterprises in Latin America and Europe, na Universidade de Aachen (WZL / RWTH), Alemanha. Na foto, com pesquisadores da Alemanha, Itália, Inglaterra, Suíça, Brasil e México.
No Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), México, onde participou da XXXII Asamblea Anual del Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Administración (CLADEA), apresentando as pesquisas: 1) O fator qualidade como dimensão-chave do relacionamento entre empresas no ambiente globalizado ; 2) O comportamento dos atores envolvidos no processo de terceirização ; 3) Industrial restructuring, outsourcing and supply chain (subcontracting) ; 4) A qualidade como fator diferenciado nas relações de fornecimento ; e 5) Terceirização e mudança organizacional: o desafio de um novo padrão de relacionamento entre empresas. Também lá pesquisou o Projeto Integração e Modernização de Micros e Pequenas Empresas para Alcançar a Competitividade (IMMPAC).
No Japão, durante o mês de julho de 1990, onde representou o Brasil no 26th Senior Class Seminar in Smal Industry Development, promovido pelo Aichi Industrial Research Association e Nagoya International Training Center, com bolsa de estudo sênior da Japan International Cooperation Association (JICA). Durante o evento, apresentou o trabalho Small industries and the high-technology poles in Brazil. Participou de visitas técnicas a diversas empresas dos setores de confecções (têxtil), alimentos e metal-mecânica, nas cidades de Nagoya, Kyoto e Osaka, conhecendo a realidade das pequenas empresas no Japão. Também realizou visita técnica à fábrica da Toyota em Nagoya, berço do paradigma de produção ágil, enxuta e flexível (lean). Tal experiência gerou várias publicações sobre as formas japonesas de gerenciamento da produção e de organização do trabalho e o desenvolvimento das pequenas e médias empresas no Japão.